Dan Bongino Highlights April Brunch

Dan Bongino, has been a Secret Service agent in both the Bush and Obama White Houses, a US Senate and later a House candidate in Maryland, a radio and podcast host and the author of “Life Inside the Bubble” and “The Fight”, about the alternate reality in which our political leaders make monumental policy decisions.

On Sunday, he gave us his view of the problems we currently face as a country.

One is that “We are no longer moored to the Constitution”. As examples he cites the recent move by a group of Democrat State Attorney Generals to prosecute “climate deniers” – or those who hold differing views from them and their cronies, in direct conflict with the First Amendment. The Obama Executive Amnesty is another example, which cites “prosecutorial discretion” to exempt large classes of people from the laws enacted by Congress.

Another problem is that the left has redefined the message of the economy. No longer do we discuss the reasons for our historical economic power, but instead talk of “how much of our earnings are we allowed to keep”, “evil rich people”, and the “distribution of income”. Where is that “distribution center” anyway?

On health care, Dan pointed to Bernie Sanders call for “Medicare for All”. In reality, the Medicare progam as it is has funding challenges and expanding it is just unaffordable.

Lastly, Dan spoke about Education. We are an “ideas economy”, but our schools are falling way behind the rest of the developed world and today’s students will lack the tools they need to compete. The most reasonable way out is to provide school choice.

Even with all these problems, Dan is optimistic. We are coming to the end of the reign of “the worst President in History”, and the USA is still a special place. Where else do you find that the biggest problem of our poor is “obesity”.

Present at the meeting were candidates Rick Sessa who is running for Sheriff against incumbent Rick Bradshaw, and Roth Farms owner Rick Roth, a candidate for CD18.