October Meeting Featured Senator Joe Negron

Senator Joe Negron, was our October Guest. Representing District 32, which includes all of Martin and St. Lucie Counties, as well as the far north (Jupiter / Tequesta) of Palm Beach County, Senator Negron has represented the Treasure Coast in either the House or Senate since 2000.

Senator Negron spoke of the things that unite us rather than a division of ideas. State and local governments have the most impact to each of us, yet national security, taxation and regulations should be the big picture. We should “always with kindness, and respect, appeal to our elected representatives” to consider the impacts and both intended and unintended consequences of their actions.

Our state has a great example in our Governor – we must work to re-elect him to continue the economic stability we are experiencing.

Senator Negron is currently running for re-election in 2014, and has drawn a Republican challenger (Brandon Cannon) for the August Primary.

Some pictures from Jane Pike:

Senator Joe Negron is October Speaker

Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches


Invites you to our October Meeting

An evening with
Joe Negron
Florida State Senator representing District 32

Wednesday, October 23rd
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Frenchman's Reserve
Club House

$20 non-members / $10 members

Appetizers on the Club
Cash Bar

Please RSVP by clicking on the button below or sending an email to: RSVP

Words of Wisdom from Sid Dinerstein

Our guest speaker for September was former PBC GOP Chairman Sid Dinerstein.

Explaining in clear terms why Republicans are not on a winning path, Sid laid out some simple Zen-like truths.

The path to victory is not through finding a bunch more white guys to vote for us. Hard core Democrats are never going to accept our worldview, so why waste time trying to convert them. Find natural conservative constituencies and make your case.

As an example of the latter, he used charter schools. Lots of them in Florida are really helping their students, many of whom are minorities, but the local teachers unions and school boards hate them. Solution: have the Governor appoint an education coordinator for charter schools and give them some Tallahassee weight.

Another example of a “natural” Republican opportunity would be Detroit – show the residents of that city what Democrats have done to them and that there is a better way. Closer to home, there is the Haitian community – with their political clubs and radio stations. Sid has made inroads with the Haitians and offered to the Governor an opportunity to address a meeting of a couple of thousand but was rebuffed by staff. For 2014, the Haitian Republican clubs that are forming could be a real asset in the St. Lucie County areas of CD18.

As usual, he left us both challenged but encouraged.

The meeting saw the addition of several new members and the participation of Gardens Mayor Bert Premuroso.

Coming up next month will be Senator Joe Negron.

Governor Rick Scott Reception

Join us at Bear Lakes Country Club for a reception with Governor Rick Scott.

Fall 2013 Season Kickoff

Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches

Invites you to our Season kick-off!

With Special Guest Speaker
Sid Dinerstein
…former Palm Beach County Republican Party Chair (10 years),
Businessman, Author, Father, Grandfather and Husband

Speaking on:
Building a permanent Republican Majority –
a progress report

 Wednesday, September 25th
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Frenchman's Reserve
Club House

$20 non-members / $10 members

Appetizers on the Club
Cash Bar

Please RSVP by clicking on the button below or sending an email to: gopofnpb@gmail.com

Lobster Fest 2013

Join us for Lobster Fest 2013. Use the [PRINT] link (upper right) to print the form and send it (along with a check) to the County GOP at the address noted. You can also let the club know you are attending by clicking on the RSVP button below.

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