I will not retreat, I will not surrender

New Officers Sworn-in

At the February meeting at Frenchman’s Reserve Clubhouse, County Commissioner Hal Valeche administered the Oath of Office to newly elected leaders Marilyn Parmet (President), Linda Gore (First Vice President), Jane Pike (Vice President), and Linda Stoch (Membership Chair). Treasurer Jeff Holtzman could not be present.

From left, Commissioner Valeche, Marilyn Parmet, Linda Gore, Jane Pike, and Linda Stoch.

Following remarks by Hal in support of the candidates for the Palm Beach Gardens Council election on March 11, (Robin Deaton and Mike Peragine, who were both present), Marilyn introduced the speaker for the evening, American’s for Prosperity Florida Director Slade O’Brien. In a Powerpoint Presentation, Slade took us through his view of the Challenges and Opportunities for 2014.

Some Pictures of the event:

  • PBG Council Candidate Robin Deaton PBG Council Candidate Robin Deaton
  • PBG Council Candidate Michael Peragine with Marilyn PBG Council Candidate Michael Peragine with Marilyn
  • Senate District 32 Candidate Brandon Cannon Senate District 32 Candidate Brandon Cannon
  • Congressional District 18 Candidate Alan Schlesinger (at left) Congressional District 18 Candidate Alan Schlesinger (at left)
  • Club President Marilyn Parmet Club President Marilyn Parmet
  • Commissioner Hal Valeche Commissioner Hal Valeche
  • Slade O'Brien Slade O'Brien


February Meeting Features AFP’s Slade O’Brien

Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches

Invites you to our February Meeting
Florida 2014: Challenges and Opportunites

Slade O'Brien 
Florida Director for Americans for Prosperity
 will be the guest speaker

Thursday, February 6th
5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Frenchman's Reserve
703 Cote Azur Drive,
Palm Beach Gardens

$10 members/ $15 non-members 

The 2014 Officers will be sworn-in at the meeting

Marilyn Parmet – President
Linda Gore – First Vice President
Jane Pike – Vice President
Jeff Holtzman – Treasurer
 Linda Stoch – Membership Chair

Please RSVP to:

Marilyn Parmet

Five CD18 Candidates Participate in RCPB Forum

RCNPB Co-Hosts PBG Council Candidate Forum

Join us for an evening of in-depth discussion of city issues with the candidates for the March 11th election in Groups 3 and 5 at the Gardens Branch of the County Library. With two of the three incumbents facing challengers this year, it should be a lively discussion.

Get out of our Comfort Zones – says our keynote speaker

Allen West was the keynote speaker at our 2013 Holiday Party.

Members and other guests were eager to hear from former Congressman West at our year-end meeting.  Outgoing President Cindy Tindall described the evening’s events and then after the invocation by Howard Parmet, and the Pledge of Allegiance and a song of thanks, there was a mad dash to the sumptuous Turkey buffet.

Allen West

Colonel West had several messages to us for 2014:

  • It’s not enough to keep the majority in the House – we need to expand it.
  • He asked 3 questions of us – had we read Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”?  Had we read “Rules for Radicals”?  And had we read the GOP’s Growth and Opportunity Strategy report?  Many had read the first two, none had read the latter.  How are we going to win if we hadn’t even read the document?
  • We in Palm Beach County need to get out of our comfort zone and get out to communities like Belle Glade and Pahokee
  • DO talk about social issues with the black community.  School choice is the top issue there as is abortion.
  • The Republican Party was formed to fight slavery; now we are fighting economic slavery  Reject being called racist.
  • We have a war for/on behalf of women, not a war on women
  • The ‘other side’ never stopped campaigning.  Our party has to step up.
  • Obamacare is going to fail.  The strategy will be to blame the insurance companies and then move to Single Payer – “Medicaid for all”.
  • He ended with an oft used quote about combat “If you find yourself in a fair fight then your tactics suck!

After a question and answer session – Allen had to leave for the TV studio in Boynton Beach for a segment on the Kelly Files on Fo News Channel.

Cindy conducted the election for the 2014 Officers’ slate.  Marilyn Parmet was elected President; Linda Gore – First VP, Jane Pike – VP; Treasurer – Jeff Holtzman, and Linda Stoch, Membership Chair.  The position of Secretary remains unfilled and members are encouraged to volunteer for the Board- just contact Marilyn.

After the elections – candidates for office were given a few moments to speak.  Speakers running in the GOP Primary for Congressional District 18 against Patrick Murphy were:  Ellen Andel,  Beverly Hires, Carl Domino, Alan Schlesinger and Ilya Katz.  Calvin Turnquist also running for the seat was not present.  Also speaking was Henry Colon, the only Republican candidate running against Ted Deutch in District 21.  Paula Prudente handed out cards for a new GOP candidate running against Alcee Hastings, District 20.  You can keep abreast of all the 2014 by clicking on the 2014Voter’s Guide button on the first page of the website.

Thanks to all who came and Congratulations to the new Officers!

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Some pictures from the event:

  • New Officers New Officers Linda Gore, Jane Pike, Marilyn Parmet, Linda Stoch
  • CD18 Candidate Ilya Katz CD18 Candidate Ilya Katz
  • CD 18 Candidate Carl Domino CD 18 Candidate Carl Domino
  • CD 18 Candidate Alan Schlesinger CD 18 Candidate Alan Schlesinger
  • CD 18 Candidate Beverly Hires CD 18 Candidate Beverly Hires
  • CD 18 Candidate Ellen Andel CD 18 Candidate Ellen Andel


December Meeting Features Allen West

Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches

Invites you to our 2013 Holiday Party

Allen West will be the guest speaker, discussing the topic:
“Looking ahead to 2014

We are saluting our Soldiers and we are collecting items for the Forgotten Soldiers Outreach Please Bring: travel size items, i.e.: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, canned food items, breakfast bars, popcorn, individual wrapped nuts or dried fruits, games like card decks, puzzle books, etc.

 Monday, December 16th 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Frenchman’s Reserve 703 Cote Azur Drive, Palm Beach Gardens

Cost per person is: $30 members/ $35 non-members 
*Includes complete turkey buffet-style dinner with all the trimmings
cash bar

We will hold elections for 2014 Officers at the meeting
Marilyn Parmet – President
Linda Gore – First Vice President
Jane Pike – Vice President
Jeff Holtzman – Treasurer
Linda Stoch has again agreed to serve as our Membership Chair

Please RSVP to:gopofnpb@gmail.com

or use the button below:

Lincoln Day Speaker Announced

Please join the Palm Beach County Republican Party for our annual Lincoln Day Dinner at Mar a Lago.

Angela West at November Meeting

Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches

Invites you to our November Meeting

With Special Guest Speaker:

Dr. Angela West

“All you need to know about the new healthcare law”.

Wednesday, November 20th
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Frenchman’s Reserve
Club House

$20 non-members / $10 members

Appetizers on the Club
Cash Bar

*We will hold elections for 2014 Officers at our December Meeting*

Currently, people who have expressed interest are:

Marilyn Parmet – President
Linda Gore – First Vice President
Jane Pike – Vice President
Jeff Holtzman – Treasurer
Linda Stoch has again agreed to serve as our Membership Chair

If you are interested in serving on the Board in an elected
or appointed role, please email or call me @ 561-540-5231.

Cindy Tindell, President

Please RSVP

October Meeting Featured Senator Joe Negron

Senator Joe Negron, was our October Guest. Representing District 32, which includes all of Martin and St. Lucie Counties, as well as the far north (Jupiter / Tequesta) of Palm Beach County, Senator Negron has represented the Treasure Coast in either the House or Senate since 2000.

Senator Negron spoke of the things that unite us rather than a division of ideas. State and local governments have the most impact to each of us, yet national security, taxation and regulations should be the big picture. We should “always with kindness, and respect, appeal to our elected representatives” to consider the impacts and both intended and unintended consequences of their actions.

Our state has a great example in our Governor – we must work to re-elect him to continue the economic stability we are experiencing.

Senator Negron is currently running for re-election in 2014, and has drawn a Republican challenger (Brandon Cannon) for the August Primary.

Some pictures from Jane Pike:

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