RCNPB Co-hosts Palm Beach Gardens Candidate Forum 2/28
Los Tres Amigos on February 12
The Second Annual “LOS TRES AMIGOS”

County Commissioner
Hal Valeche

County Chair
Mike Barnett

Former Chair
Sid Dinerstein
Frenchman’s Reserve Country Club
3370 Grande Corniche
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Light refreshments served, cash bar
Charge $15/pp members
Please RSVP to Marmaid12@aol.com
Marilyn Parmet, President
Brian Mast Speaks for Israel on the House Floor
See also:
Mast Votes to Disapprove of Anti-Israel UN Resolution
Victory Celebration – December 4

And meet our new Congressman:

Congressman-elect Brian Mast
On January 3, Brian will be sworn in as our District 18 Representative in the 115th Congress. Replacing Democrat Patrick Murphy, Brian is one of only a few Republican pickups in the November election and will join 239 other Republicans to work in conjunction with our new President to Make America Great Again!
Join us to congratulate Brian on his victory and give him a rousing Tea Party sendoff to fight the people’s fight.
We will have a few other special guests and hear a synopsis of the recent election. Don’t miss it!
Please bring an unwrapped gift to be donated to a child at The Lords Place.
Program and Buffet starts at Noon
Frenchmans Reserve Country Club
3370 Grande Corniche
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
$25 per person
RSVP TO: Marmaid12@aol.com
RCNPB Demonstrates at Biden Event
Vice President Joe Biden held a rally at Palm Beach State on Wednesday. Members of the RCNPB Trump team were there to greet him.

Meet and Greet Brian Mast and Ron Berman
Support Ron Berman in Senate 30
Show your support for Ron by attending this upcoming Meet & Greet. RSVP to Tom Plante, 561-236-8891.
Candidate Roundup on Monday, October 10
The Republican Club of the Northern Palm Beaches invites you to honor our great Republican candidates as well as our country on Columbus Day, Monday October 10th, 5:30 to 7:30 PM.

From left: Brian Mast (CD18), Paul Spain (CD21), Ron Berman (FS30), Rick Roth (FH85), Laurel Bennett (FH86), Hal Valeche (CC1), Tom Sutterfield (SB1)
Join us for a roundup of our local Republican candidates for the November election: Congressional candidates Brian Mast and Paul Spain, Ron Berman for Florida Senate, Rick Roth and Laurel Bennett for Florida House, Hal Valeche for County Commission and Tom Sutterfield for the School Board.
No charge for this event
Pizza and drinks served
RPOF Victory Headquarters
1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd Fifth floor
RSVP to marmaid12@aol.com or 561.427.8578
Please RSVP ASAP as space is limited!
Dan Bongino on April 17
Dan Bongino on the Belgium Terror Attacks
4 Takeaways From The Belgium Terror Attacks
March 22, 2016
1. The Syrian refugee resettlement program within the United States should be halted immediately.
It’s abundantly clear, as evidenced by the attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, Mumbai, and Belgium, that as few as five to 10 terrorists can cause unspeakable death and destruction. Unquestionably, the most important function of the United States government is to protect U.S. citizens, and until the government can ensure that the broken process for vetting Syrian refugees and allowing them into the United States, is secure and effective at rejecting terrorists, the program should be stopped. In addition, terrorists have developed the capacity to create large numbers of spurious identification documents and passports. Therefore, even if we put a refugee through the “vetting” process and that person is cleared, there is no guarantee that the “cleared” person whose name appears on the identification documents is the person being admitted into the United States.
2. The international terror-alert systems are largely ineffective at stopping soft-target, small-arms, and explosives attacks.
Belgium was under a heightened state of alert for terrorism pursuant to the capture of Salah Abdeslam. The terrorists involved in the latest attacks still managed to accomplish their deranged mission. Soft-target terror attacks using small-arms and explosives give the terrorists a strategic advantage because the execution of these types of attacks only requires the ability to fire a weapon and construct homemade explosives. These are activities that, in a free country, are relatively easy to learn without eliciting a high level of law-enforcement suspicion. Compare that with the deadlier, and more logistically demanding, 9/11 attacks. The need for flight training and airport security evasion training during a 9/11 style attack has the potential to leave investigative breadcrumbs behind for international counter-terror investigators to pick up on, and use, to disrupt the attacks.
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Dan Bongino is the author of the book The Fight, bestselling author of the book Life Inside the Bubble and is a Contributing Editor at Conservative Review. He was the 2012 and 2014 Republican nominee for the United States Senate and 6th congressional district in Maryland. He served for over a decade as a special agent in the United States Secret Service. He is a radio host and a frequent guest media-commentator on political issues and security matters.
You can follow Dan Bongino at www.bongino.com; on Facebook and on Twitter.